The newsroom is such a hectic place. And to be a leader in such an environment, you need certain qualities. For example, the book says I should have the following qualities: passion, decisiveness, organization, and presence. I know I definitely have the passion. Which can sometimes cause issues in the learning environment I am currently in because I feel like sometimes the other students around me don't share the same passion as I do. And that's unfortunate, but my hope is that one day they all will. Decisiveness is a quality I am pretty good about in the newsroom. In any other aspects of my life, good-luck trying to get me to make up my mind! I'm also fairly decent at being organized. When it comes to things like stacking my show, organization and decisiveness usually shine. But in terms of time management, I'm learning. And I think presence and command just come with time. Sometimes I get stressed out. "Power producers develop an ability to sty calm and focused, even in high-stress situations." Something else I believe comes with experience and lots of practice. Someday!
According to Dow Smith, there are four stages of producing. Stage one is being scared to death. I'm definitely beyond that stage. I find myself somewhere between the next two stages. Stage two is the mechanic; the producer who masters the mechanics of the news process and that's all. Stage three is the journeyman; the producer are reliable and hard-working but need that creative flair. And my hopes are that I can someday reach stage four: the power producer. Enough said.
From now on I will leave you with one thing... I will share with you the story that I found most interesting in my rundown this week. It may not necessarily be my lead story... Just the one or two stories I felt were the most interesting and have the potential to impact the most people. Today we had two great stories about childhood obesity and eating healthier.
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